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Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Agri Vehicles, Vans, Pickups, Trucks & Tippers, Cherry Pickers, Special Types

Commercial vehicle insurance by its nature is a specialist product, encompassing various trades be it a builder, forester or salesman and its different uses for that vehicle in each business is vast. You can't just put all these vehicles in the same category and buy it online as a mass market product like a private car policy, and expect to go out on the road and be covered correctly on the word of a computer.


First and foremost, these online covers will be stripped back to get your attention with a low price by removing a cover you may actually need for your everyday business. 'Predominantly, at Trust we strive to offer the best value for money policies on the market by assessing your risk personally as a traditional-style brokerage.'


Insurance isn't about getting the lowest price by going online, but getting the most protection and cover you can, at the right price!

Ask yourself, would you consider putting your business in the hands of someone you had never spoken to or met? I think almost all of you would say no, but that's what you are doing.


You need someone that understands your business, a personal reassurance that the policy is the best for you, and covers you for exactly what you need. To be effective you need to know exactly what you are and aren't covered for from the insurer to be able to protect your business against potential risks. You can't get this specialist knowledge or peace of mind on a comparison site; you need to hear that directly from the insurer, or an insurance specialist like 'Trust'.


Unfortunately, many insurers even the biggest names in the industry Direct line, Aviva, LV and even Zurich have very strict underwriting criteria which don't accept unlisted or non ABI rated vehicles such as Tippers, Cherry pickers, drop sides or attached winches/hi-abs, let alone vehicles that are over 3.5 tonnes. The majority of these insurers actually have additional premium penalties or loads and exclusions for these vehicles. In fact, worse than this the insurer can make you cancel or not pay a claim if the information is not disclosed to them by you.


Bear these things in mind when insuring your vehicle. However, when you contact Trust, we understand price is a key element in your business decisions and always strive to assess your demands and needs individually to offer the most competitive rate possible for your particular use. The one thing to remember when buying is the most expensive insurance is the one that doesn't cover you in the event of a potential loss! To make sure you are confident you have the right tool for your job, the best cover, the best possible service and the most competitive premium available then contact our dedicated team at Trust Insurance.


Exclusive facilities for Arborists/Tree Surgeons, Forestry Workers & Landscapers


Bespoke quotations available for Non standard vehicles


We accept Tippers as Standard.


Unimogs accepted

Haulage Fleets

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